Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Jegging Reinvented:

In wake of winning the Cotton On Brand Ambassador challenge through my campus, LISOF, I was extremely excited to get blogging about Cotton On. On Monday my role as The 2015 Cotton On Brand Ambassador will be explained to me, and I cant wait! In the meanwhile I decided to have a bit of fun with my newest pair of jeggings that Cotton On so kindly sent to me from the new Wanted range. These are available currently in store at Cotton On for R299.

Jeggings are usually associated with being worn only in a casual way, and so I wanted to show how it can be worn in three different unique looks. The first being the normal casual look, the second- my take on a more so formal look and lastly- a unique smart casual look. Photo cred throughout goes to my talented friend Layla Shaik.

1) The casual jegging:

Jeggings and jacket - Cotton On
Tee- River Island
Sneakers: Zara
2) The formal jegging (My favourite interpretation):


Jeggings: Cotton On
Wrap dress- The Space (designed by Pengelly)
Bag - Gifted to me
Heels: Forever New

3) The Smart casual jegging:
 Jeggings - Cotton ON
Belt - Mr. Price
Shirt dress - Urban

 Shoes - Gifted to me
I usually prefer wearing dresses, skirts or tights over any kind of jeans or pants because I feel more comfortable that way. However, these jeggings have got to be the most comfortable jeans replacement for any look and I simply love them. I hate to wear the same look twice and with a versatile item like this the options are limitless. All that's left for me to think up now is, how to wear them next?


  1. This is a great article! Oh and Congrats on winning the Cotton On Brand Ambassador challenge!! I am always telling my friends that jeggings can be worn casual, formal or smart casual and your article and photos back up my argument 100% you make those jeggings look fantastic.

  2. I usually prefer wearing Jeggigs because I feel more comfortable and even looks trendy.
